Home Reference Source


 * The script is part of SenkoWSH.
 *  natade (http://twitter.com/natadea)
 *  The MIT license https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT

import System from "./System.js";

 * 大きさ情報
 * @typedef {Object} WSHRobotRect
 * @property {number} x 座標x
 * @property {number} y 座標y
 * @property {number} width 横幅
 * @property {number} height 縦幅

 * 位置情報
 * @typedef {Object} WSHRobotPosition
 * @property {number} x 座標x
 * @property {number} y 座標y

 * 仮想キーコード
 * @typedef {Object} VirtualKeyCode
 * @property {number} code

 * 仮想キーコード一覧
 * @typedef {Object} VirtualKeyCodes
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_LBUTTON
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_RBUTTON
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_CANCEL
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_MBUTTON
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_XBUTTON1
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_XBUTTON2
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_BACK
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_TAB
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_CLEAR
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_RETURN
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_SHIFT
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_CONTROL
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_MENU
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_PAUSE
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_CAPITAL
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_KANA
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_HANGEUL
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_HANGUL
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_JUNJA
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_FINAL
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_HANJA
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_KANJI
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_ESCAPE
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_CONVERT
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_NONCONVERT
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_ACCEPT
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_MODECHANGE
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_SPACE
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_PRIOR
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_NEXT
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_END
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_HOME
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_LEFT
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_UP
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_RIGHT
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_DOWN
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_SELECT
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_PRINT
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_EXECUTE
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_SNAPSHOT
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_INSERT
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_DELETE
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_HELP
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_0
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_1
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_2
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_3
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_4
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_5
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_6
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_7
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_8
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_9
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_A
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_B
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_C
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_D
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_E
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_F
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_G
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_H
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_I
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_J
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_K
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_L
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_M
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_N
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_O
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_P
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_Q
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_R
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_S
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_T
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_U
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_V
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_W
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_X
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_Y
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_Z
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_LWIN
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_RWIN
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_APPS
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_SLEEP
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_NUMPAD0
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_NUMPAD1
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_NUMPAD2
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_NUMPAD3
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_NUMPAD4
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_NUMPAD5
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_NUMPAD6
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_NUMPAD7
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_NUMPAD8
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_NUMPAD9
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_MULTIPLY
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_ADD
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_SEPARATOR
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_SUBTRACT
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_DECIMAL
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_DIVIDE
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_F1
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_F2
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_F3
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_F4
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_F5
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_F6
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_F7
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_F8
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_F9
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_F10
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_F11
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_F12
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_F13
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_F14
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_F15
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_F16
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_F17
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_F18
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_F19
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_F20
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_F21
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_F22
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_F23
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_F24
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_NUMLOCK
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_SCROLL
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_LSHIFT
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_RSHIFT
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_LCONTROL
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_RCONTROL
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_LMENU
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_RMENU
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_BROWSER_BACK
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_BROWSER_FORWARD
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_BROWSER_REFRESH
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_BROWSER_STOP
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_BROWSER_SEARCH
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_BROWSER_FAVORITES
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_BROWSER_HOME
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_VOLUME_MUTE
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_VOLUME_DOWN
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_VOLUME_UP
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_MEDIA_STOP
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_LAUNCH_MAIL
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_LAUNCH_MEDIA_SELECT
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_LAUNCH_APP1
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_LAUNCH_APP2
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_OEM_1
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_OEM_PLUS
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_OEM_COMMA
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_OEM_MINUS
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_OEM_PERIOD
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_OEM_2
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_OEM_3
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_OEM_4
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_OEM_5
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_OEM_6
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_OEM_7
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_OEM_8
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_PROCESSKEY
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_ATTN
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_CRSEL
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_EXSEL
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_EREOF
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_PLAY
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_ZOOM
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_NONAME
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_PA1
 * @property {VirtualKeyCode} VK_OEM_CLEAR

 * マウスイベント用コード
 * @typedef {Object} MouseEventFCodes
 * @property {number} MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE
 * @property {number} MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE
 * @property {number} MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN
 * @property {number} MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP
 * @property {number} MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN
 * @property {number} MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP
 * @property {number} MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEDOWN
 * @property {number} MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEUP
 * @property {number} MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL
 * @property {number} MOUSEEVENTF_XDOWN
 * @property {number} MOUSEEVENTF_XUP

 * マウスイベント用コード一覧
 * @type {MouseEventFCodes}

 * キーイベント発生時のオプション
 * @typedef {Object} KeyEventOption
 * @property {number} [count_max=1] 繰り返す回数
 * @property {boolean} [is_not_pushed=false] 押さない
 * @property {boolean} [is_not_released=false] 離さない
 * @property {number} [push_time_sec=0] 押下時間
 * @property {boolean} [is_pressed_shift=false] `+ Shift`
 * @property {boolean} [is_pressed_alt=false] `+ Alt`
 * @property {boolean} [is_pressed_ctrl=false] `+ Ctrl`

 * マウスイベント発生時のオプション
 * @typedef {Object} MouseEventOption
 * @property {number} [count_max=1] 繰り返す回数
 * @property {boolean} [is_not_pushed=false] 押さない
 * @property {boolean} [is_not_released=false] 離さない
 * @property {number} [push_time_sec=0] 押下時間

 * ハンドルを取得する際に必要なデータ
 * @typedef {Object} RobotGetHandleData
 * @property {string|number} [classname=0] クラス名
 * @property {string|number} [windowtext=0] ウィンドウ名

 * ウィンドウやマウスなどを自動操作するためのクラス
export default class Robot {
	 * キーを入力する
	 * - キーコードは定数クラス `Robot.VK` を使用ください
	 * @param {VirtualKeyCode} vkcode - キーコード
	 * @param {KeyEventOption} [option] - オプション
	static setKeyEvent(vkcode, option) {
		const KEYEVENTF_KEYUP = 2;
		const count_max = (option && option.count_max) ? option.count_max: 1;
		const VK = Robot.VK;
		let time_ms = (option && option.push_time_sec) ? ((option.push_time_sec * 1000) | 0 ): 0;
		time_ms = Math.max(time_ms , 1); // 1以上にする
		let code = "for ($i=0; $i -lt " + count_max + "; $i++){";
			if(option && option.is_pressed_shift) {
				code += "$api::keybd_event(" + VK.VK_SHIFT.code + ", 0, 0, 0);";
			if(option && option.is_pressed_alt) {
				code += "$api::keybd_event(" + VK.VK_MENU.code + ", 0, 0, 0);";
			if(option && option.is_pressed_ctrl) {
				code += "$api::keybd_event(" + VK.VK_CONTROL.code + ", 0, 0, 0);";
			if(!option || !option.is_not_pushed) {
				code += "$api::keybd_event(" + vkcode.code + ", 0, 0, 0);";
		if(option && option.push_time_sec) {
			code += "Start-Sleep -m " + time_ms + ";";
			if(!option || !option.is_not_released) {
				code += "$api::keybd_event(" + vkcode.code + ", 0, " + KEYEVENTF_KEYUP + ", 0);";
			if(option && option.is_pressed_ctrl) {
				code += "$api::keybd_event(" + VK.VK_CONTROL.code + ", 0, " + KEYEVENTF_KEYUP + ", 0);";
			if(option && option.is_pressed_alt) {
				code += "$api::keybd_event(" + VK.VK_MENU.code + ", 0, " + KEYEVENTF_KEYUP + ", 0);";
			if(option && option.is_pressed_shift) {
				code += "$api::keybd_event(" + VK.VK_SHIFT.code + ", 0, " + KEYEVENTF_KEYUP + ", 0);";
		code += "}";
			void keybd_event(byte bVk, byte bScan, uint dwFlags, uint dwExtraInfo)
			for ($i=0; $i -lt " + count_max + "; $i++){
				$api::keybd_event(" + VK_DATA.VK_SHIFT.code + ", 0, 0, 0);
				$api::keybd_event(" + VK_DATA.VK_MENU.code + ", 0, 0, 0);
				$api::keybd_event(" + VK_DATA.VK_CONTROL.code + ", 0, 0, 0);
				$api::keybd_event(" + vkcode.code + ", 0, 0, 0);
				Start-Sleep -m " + time_ms + ";
				$api::keybd_event(" + vkcode.code + ", 0, " + KEYEVENTF_KEYUP + ", 0);
				$api::keybd_event(" + VK_DATA.VK_CONTROL.code + ", 0, " + KEYEVENTF_KEYUP + ", 0);
				$api::keybd_event(" + VK_DATA.VK_MENU.code + ", 0, " + KEYEVENTF_KEYUP + ", 0);
				$api::keybd_event(" + VK_DATA.VK_SHIFT.code + ", 0, " + KEYEVENTF_KEYUP + ", 0);
			"void keybd_event(byte bVk, byte bScan, uint dwFlags, uint dwExtraInfo)",
	 * マウスのクリックを行う
	 * @param {string} type - `"LEFT"`, `"RIGHT"`, `"CLICK"`, `"DOUBLE_CLICK"` といった文字列
	 * @param {KeyEventOption} [option] - オプション
	static setMouseEvent(type, option) {
		let count_max = (option && option.count_max) ? option.count_max: 1;
		let time_ms = (option && option.push_time_sec) ? ((option.push_time_sec * 1000) | 0 ): 0;
		time_ms = Math.max(time_ms , 1); // 1以上にする
		let target = type.toUpperCase().trim();
		if(target === "CLICK") {
			count_max = 1;
			target = "LEFT";
		else if(target === "DOUBLE_CLICK") {
			count_max = 2;
			target = "LEFT";
		let pushed_code;
		let released_code;
		if(target === "LEFT") {
		else if((target === "CENTER") || (target === "MIDDLE")) {
		if(target === "RIGHT") {
		let code = "for ($i=0; $i -lt " + count_max + "; $i++){";
		if(!option || !option.is_not_pushed) {
			code += "$api::mouse_event(" + pushed_code + ", 0, 0, 0, 0);";
		if(option && option.push_time_sec) {
			code += "Start-Sleep -m " + time_ms + ";";
		if(!option || !option.is_not_released) {
			code += "$api::mouse_event(" + released_code + ", 0, 0, 0, 0);";
		code += "}";
			void mouse_event(long dwFlags, long dx, long dy, long cButtons, long dwExtraInfo)
			for ($i=0; $i -lt " + count_max + "; $i++){
				$api::mouse_event(" + pushed_code + ", 0, 0, 0, 0);
				Start-Sleep -m " + time_ms + ";
				$api::mouse_event(" + released_code + ", 0, 0, 0, 0);
			"void mouse_event(long dwFlags, long dx, long dy, long cButtons, long dwExtraInfo)",

	 * マウスの座標を調べる
	 * @returns {WSHRobotPosition}
	static getCursorPosition() {
			[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms");
			$X = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.X;
			$Y = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.Y;
		// eslint-disable-next-line quotes
		const command = '[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms");$X = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.X;$Y = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.Y;"$X,$Y"';
		const text = System.execPowerShell(command);
		const pos_data = text.split(",");
		const x = parseFloat(pos_data[0]) | 0;
		const y = parseFloat(pos_data[1]) | 0;
		return {
			x : x, y : y

	 * マウスの座標を設定する
	 * @param {WSHRobotPosition} position
	static setCursorPosition(position) {
			void SetCursorPos(int X, int Y)
			$api::SetCursorPos(" + position.x + ", " + position.y + ");
			"void SetCursorPos(int X, int Y)",
			"$api::SetCursorPos(" + position.x + ", " + position.y + ");"

	 * 指定したハンドルを取得する
	 * @param {RobotGetHandleData} get_handle_data 
	 * @returns {number}
	static getHandle(get_handle_data) {
		let function_text;
		// 省略する場合はヌルポインタを設定する必要があるため、入力引数を変更する
		if(get_handle_data.classname && get_handle_data.windowtext) {
			function_text = "IntPtr FindWindow(string lpClassName, string lpWindowName)";
		else if(get_handle_data.classname) {
			function_text = "IntPtr FindWindow(string lpClassName, IntPtr lpWindowName)";
		else {
			function_text = "IntPtr FindWindow(IntPtr lpClassName, string lpWindowName)";
		let command = "$api::FindWindow(";
		command += (get_handle_data.classname ? "\"" + get_handle_data.classname + "\"" : "0") + ",";
		command += (get_handle_data.windowtext ? "\"" + get_handle_data.windowtext + "\"" : "0") + ");";
			IntPtr FindWindow(string lpClassName, string lpWindowName)
			IntPtr FindWindow(string lpClassName, IntPtr lpWindowName)
			IntPtr FindWindow(IntPtr lpClassName, string lpWindowName)
		return parseFloat(System.callWindowsAPI( "user32.dll", function_text, command));

	 * 指定したクラス名のハンドルを取得する
	 * @param {string} classname 
	 * @returns {number}
	static getHandleOfClassName(classname) {
		// console.log(Robot.getHandleOfClassName("Notepad"));
		return Robot.getHandle({classname : classname});

	 * 指定したハンドルのクラス名を取得する
	 * @param {number} handle 
	 * @returns {string}
	static getClassName(handle) {
			IntPtr GetClassName(IntPtr hWnd, System.Text.StringBuilder text, int count)
			$buff = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder 256;
			$null = $api::GetClassName(" + handle + ", $buff, 256);
		return System.callWindowsAPI(
			"IntPtr GetClassName(IntPtr hWnd, System.Text.StringBuilder text, int count)",
			"$buff = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder 256;$null = $api::GetClassName(" + handle + ", $buff, 256);$($buff.ToString());"

	 * 指定したウィンドウ名のハンドルを取得する
	 * @param {string} windowname 
	 * @returns {number}
	static getHandleOfWindowText(windowname) {
		// console.log(Robot.getHandleOfWindowName("無題 - メモ帳");
		return Robot.getHandle({windowtext : windowname});

	 * 指定したハンドルのウィンドウ名を取得する
	 * @param {number} handle 
	 * @returns {string}
	static getWindowText(handle) {
			IntPtr GetWindowText(IntPtr hWnd, System.Text.StringBuilder text, int count)
			$buff = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder 256;
			$null = $api::GetWindowText(" + handle + ", $buff, 256);
		return System.callWindowsAPI(
			"IntPtr GetWindowText(IntPtr hWnd, System.Text.StringBuilder text, int count)",
			"$buff = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder 256;$null = $api::GetWindowText(" + handle + ", $buff, 256);$($buff.ToString());"

	 * 指定したハンドルの位置とサイズを取得する
	 * @param {number} handle 
	 * @returns {WSHRobotRect}
	static getWindowRect(handle) {
			Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
			using System;
			using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
			public struct RECT { public int Left; public int Top; public int Right; public int Bottom; }
			public class API {
				[DllImport("user32.dll")] public extern static bool GetWindowRect(IntPtr hWnd, out RECT lpRect);
				public static RECT getrect(IntPtr hwnd) { RECT rect = new RECT(); GetWindowRect(hwnd, out rect); return rect; }
			$rect = [API]::getrect(x);
		// eslint-disable-next-line quotes
		const command = `Add-Type -TypeDefinition "using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; public struct RECT { public int Left; public int Top; public int Right; public int Bottom; } public class API { [DllImport(""user32.dll"")] public extern static bool GetWindowRect(IntPtr hWnd, out RECT lpRect); public static RECT getrect(IntPtr hwnd) { RECT rect = new RECT(); GetWindowRect(hwnd, out rect); return rect; } }";  $rect = [API]::getrect(` + handle + `); "$($rect.Left),$($rect.Top),$($rect.Right),$($rect.Bottom)"`;
		const rect = System.execPowerShell(command);
		const rect_data = rect.split(",");
		if(rect_data.length !== 4) {
			return null;
		const left   = parseFloat(rect_data[0]) | 0;
		const top    = parseFloat(rect_data[1]) | 0;
		const right  = parseFloat(rect_data[2]) | 0;
		const bottom = parseFloat(rect_data[3]) | 0;
		return {
			x		:left,
			y		:top,
			width	:right - left,
			height	:bottom - top

	 * 指定したハンドルの位置とサイズを設定する
	 * @param {number} handle 
	 * @param {WSHRobotRect} rect 
	 * @returns {void}
	static setWindowRect(handle, rect) {
			bool MoveWindow(IntPtr hWnd, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, int bRepaint)
			$api::MoveWindow(" + handle + " , " + (rect.x|0) + ", " + (rect.y|0) + ", " + (rect.width|0) + ", " + (rect.height|0) + ", 1 );
			"bool MoveWindow(IntPtr hWnd, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, int bRepaint)",
			"$api::MoveWindow(" + handle + " , " + (rect.x|0) + ", " + (rect.y|0) + ", " + (rect.width|0) + ", " + (rect.height|0) + ", 1 );"

	 * アクティブなウィンドウのハンドルを取得する
	 * @returns {number}
	static getActiveWindow() {
			IntPtr GetForegroundWindow()
		return parseFloat(System.callWindowsAPI(
			"IntPtr GetForegroundWindow()",

	 * アクティブなウィンドウを設定する
	 * @param {number} handle 
	 * @returns {void}
	static setActiveWindow(handle) {
			bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd)
			$api::SetForegroundWindow(" + handle + ");
			"bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd)",
			"$api::SetForegroundWindow(" + handle + ");"

	 * 指定したハンドルのプロセスIDを取得する
	 * @param {number} handle 
	 * @returns {number}
	static getPID(handle) {
			IntPtr GetWindowThreadProcessId(IntPtr hWnd, out int ProcessId)
			$getpid = 0;
			$null = $api::GetWindowThreadProcessId(" + handle + ", [ref] $getpid);
		return parseFloat(System.callWindowsAPI(
			"IntPtr GetWindowThreadProcessId(IntPtr hWnd, out int ProcessId)",
			"$getpid = 0;$null = $api::GetWindowThreadProcessId(" + handle + ", [ref] $getpid);$getpid;"

	 * 指定したプロセスIDを終了させる
	 * @param {number} pid 
	static terminateProcess(pid) {
		return System.run("taskkill /PID " + pid, System.AppWinStype.Hide, true);


 * 仮想キーコード一覧
 * @type {VirtualKeyCodes}
Robot.VK = {
	VK_LBUTTON	:{code:0x01},
	VK_RBUTTON	:{code:0x02},
	VK_CANCEL	:{code:0x03},
	VK_MBUTTON	:{code:0x04},
	VK_XBUTTON1	:{code:0x05},
	VK_XBUTTON2	:{code:0x06},
	VK_BACK	:{code:0x08},
	VK_TAB	:{code:0x09},
	VK_CLEAR	:{code:0x0C},
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